Thursday, September 26, 2013

Attempting to turn atomic waste into power and simultaneously making the world safer

Can we truly use the waste that we already have to help fuel and give energy to countries that are in need of it? While this is in its early phases, if this were to come to pass it could be one of the greatest advances in getting and reusing waste in decades. We would be able to worry less about the extra and possibly harmful effects of the uranium and use the plutonium in a more beneficial and worthwhile manner. Now this does not only help reduce the extra waste that we are currently making now but uses it in a manner where people everywhere may one day benefit from it. Another great advantage that this simultaneously helps is to deter in the production of nuclear weapons. “Today’s nuclear reactors run on concentrations of 3 to 5 percent uranium 235, an enriched fuel that leaves behind a pure, mostly natural waste, uranium 238. A uranium bomb runs on more than 90 percent uranium 235.” By using the reactors that Bill Gates and others hope to one day use, countries will no longer require storing up on uranium 235 because the reactors use primarily uranium 238 and very little uranium 235. This would allow the UN to monitor countries that are possible threat when it comes to nuclear threats because the amount of uranium required is far more that what they would ever need to have stored up at one time. So while this is still far off in the future we can hope that some form of plan can be developed. Because it will help people as a whole through electricity, help to protect people from hostile nations that could try to create a nuclear bomb, and eliminate some waste. And while nuclear power is still effective, I think people like Bill Gates amongst other wealthy and educated people should work together to try to find a more clear and hopefully permanent solution. I do find that it’s a little sad however, that this was started by Bill Gates and not an actual government because the government should have the interests of the people under it as their priority first and before anything else. I guess we can only hope everything turns out for the best and that one day this will be used for the good it was originally thought up for.

Comic Strip

Friday, September 20, 2013

iOS 7 Bug?

      Is advancing in technology really worth the possibility of exposing our personal information to possible hackings? The new IOS 7 released by Apple Company on Wednesday September eighteenth has been greatly anticipated and downloaded by countless apple technology users in order to enhance their overall experience. However technology experts are already starting to find flaws in the new IOS 7’s programing to the point that an intelligent hacker can remotely hack any user’s device. Once hacked the hacker can look into the device to find personal photos, emails, and even access people’s Twitter accounts. The scary part is that there are also security problems that allow just about anyone to access your device with a few clicks or a few well timed swipes. While IOS 7 is still new and updates to prevent such hacks will probably be developed soon, how can we truly feel safe within our technology? Even when we supposedly upgrade it to the point where it’s the “top of the line” is it truly the safest or even most dependent software out there? While I have faith in Apple that it will resolve the problem fairly soon, it still bothers me that it made it through all the test phases and personnel tests before having to be found by the public after its release. And while I believe that technology will improve and become better and safer for all users, I also know for a fact that there will be those people who are just natural geniuses with technology and use their powers to inflict or cause harm for others as either a means for a prank or for personal gain. We can only hope that people who have these talents of hacking will do the right thing and let people be aware of the problems and malfunctions they find in technology.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

discussion ques. "What money can't buy"

Is it truly for the best that people can get just about anything they want with money and what impact can this make on the world?

How far are people willing to go in order to protect their interests when it comes to them purchasing certain things?

Is there a point when it has morally gone to far, and what do you feel that point is?

What is the most outrageous thing you would do for a large amount of money?

losing faith in technology but can't break the addiction wk1
Is it true that we as people are becoming too dependent to the point where we are addicted to electronics? I won't deny that I too enjoy the occasional evening of video games with friends or spend a few hours connecting with my friends through sites like facebook, reddit, and youtube. But ultimately I don’t feel like I am addicted however I can’t say that I could stop using technology all together either. While the more entertainment factors of technology are less necessary great values of good can be done by the positive aspects of technology. In the survey done, it was shown that people believe that technology is becoming a hindrance to people’s lives and their own identities. But in this same study by the same people it was found that they believed people could not give up technology for one reason or another or may even be addicted to it. I find it hard to believe that people are willing to admit that while we find technology hindering our own personal lives we are unwilling to move on from it or even attempt to lower the amount of time we commit to it. We have become so dependent on technology that we carry around small devices (smart phones) that contain more technology than what NASA used to put people on the moon in 1969. However do most people use this amazing technology effectively? No, we take it for granted and waste our time arguing with complete strangers on the internet or playing stupid games like angry birds or candy crush! People are becoming to dependent on technology and I don’t feel it’s for the best. Technology is an amazing thing and while it can be used for untold amounts of good, people abuse it and are becoming dependent on it for the most mediocre of tasks.    

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

blog 1

1.) Santo from Lockport, NY
2.) Santo is fine
4.)I love history, I am an only child, and I have played piano for years.
5.) It must be something worthwhile and that will be beneficial in some way.
6.) the internet. The internet has allowed people all across the world to connect and it allows people to find useful information without vast amounts of research.
7.) internet (computer) and cell phones
8.) I've dealt with computers for years so I'm ok. (6) Digital media is nice but I can live with or without it (4) Social media is nice but it can be annoying and pointless. (5)
9.) If you weren't a professor what would you be? What has been your favorite class you've ever taught?