Friday, November 8, 2013

Digital story topic: Cyber Bullying

I plan to do a digital story on the effects of cyber bullying on people especially teens. This is a major problem in our society today and needs to remain in the spotlight no matter how much publicity it may get from time to time. I plan on using a multimedia source but am unsure as to which I wish to use for they are all very good. However I am doing the final steps in finalizing my decision for the best source. Bullying, ignorance, hatred, and discrimination over various things have been issues faced by people forever. While these problems are not new, they have never been appropriate. However there have been times in history when people tend to turn a blind eye to it or feel that they can get away with it in an easier fashion due to certain circumstances. Because of ideas similar to these, man has entered a new age of discriminating one another. Through technology people can harass, humiliate, demean, and drive people to the point of no return. No longer do people even need to be face to face to in order to say rude things or harass them. Now people can do this with a few clicks on the keyboard of their very own home computer or cellular device. This has caused much havoc for many people especially those in their teens (including myself.) There is nothing worse than have hateful and rude things said to you and not having any way to stop it especially since those who are saying these things are not even around to take accountability. Sure sometimes they make an effort to let you know who it is so at least there is a face to the comments. But in so many instances people will do it anonymously in order to preserve their own identity while   making their victims life hell. This issue has become an epidemic. According to bullying statistics (.org) approximately at least half of all teens have experienced bullying of some sort via technology with one in three getting actual threats of violence. In another study by do something (.org) the majority of teens said they felt that they couldn’t get in trouble or could get out of trouble in an easier fashion than if the bully bullied the victim in real life. And since bullies feel this sense of safety they do it all the more in the most rude and repulsive manners possible and for them any issue is fair game. Gender, Race, ethnicity, body type, sexual orientation, income, and looks amongst other things are all acceptable to bully about. In some instances, it may be true that the children were raised but parents with similar ideas therefore they reflect those opinions in school; however this ignorance is only partially to blame and only true in some situations. If children and teens continue these ideas and actions they may very well continue to act as bullies in their adult lives which can start the cycle all over again if they ever have kids. Another sad issue with bullying is when the victims feel they are totally alone and have no ulterior purpose in life than to get bullied. This unfortunately drives many young victims to commit suicide. Suicide is the third leading cause of death in young people and was shown in a studies done by Yale and England that the majority of suicides were related to bullying and victims of bullying were more likely to commit suicide. This is the final point as to why I think this is a critical issue that deals with digital media and social justice, because the point at which a person can drive another to feel they are insignificant enough to take their own life then there is a major problem going on.  

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