Friday, October 25, 2013

dangers of posting on facebook

While social networking can be a great and amazing thing people need to be careful with it.  Most of the time people don’t care about the little privacy options they have to protect themselves until it is too late. Most of the time people just post whatever they feel like and have no fear of any possible repercussions they may face due to their actions. It is all the more amazing when people post rude, provocative or other horrible comments and they feel that since it was just a post on a social network site that it doesn't reflect their attitude in the least. Now I am not saying that every now and then someone has a God awful day and they say something on accident they might regret or in a moment of anger. I am referring to the people who continuously do stupid things and expect to be fine because of it. Over the years, there have been some advances in the way the police see technology. Heck because of the lack of sense that many people have now days, they post their own doom in a sense. Whether its college kids taking photos of themselves drinking alcoholic beverages and posting it for everyone (including the school) to see or people running from the law and bragging about it. The lack of common sense never ceases to amaze me nor does it cease to frighten me. I myself am very careful with everything I do as I don’t want anything to come back and haunt me in the future. If all teens attacked social networking with something similar to these thoughts then they would have nothing to worry about and fear no possible. However kids will be kids and continue to post stupid things from time to time. But even adults do this to so it is hard to say if it ever really gets better over time or just gets to the point where it is not as bad. So the next time you are thinking about posting some horrible photo, status, or any other possible thing take a moment and think about the possible repercussions.     

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