Friday, October 4, 2013

internet freedom

I believe internet freedom should be a basic right to everybody everywhere. As I have done further and further research, it continues to amaze me how so many people across the world don’t have the same accessibility that I as an American have. It’s another surprising factor that it’s the governments enacting these crunch downs on the people’s internet usage. But not to prevent them from doing illegal activities such as hacking other people’s accounts or the selling of illegal narcotics, but to supposedly “protect” the people as well as the government. It’s a sad world we live in where we can no longer have basic access to information and knowledge. And when I hear of this it makes me think of a quote from the movie V for Vendetta, “People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.” Now I’m not saying we should topple all governments and start a new world order or anything but we need to do at least something about this. In Egypt, the internet was restricted (amongst numerous other things) which helped prompt people to rebel and use what internet they did have to coordinate the protests that helped stopped the reign of Hosni Mubarak who had ruled Egypt as he had seen fit for 29 years. But Egypt was lucky in the sense that the even had somewhat internet access in the first place. Places like China, North Korea, and Iran (amongst numerous others) have restrictions on their internet so they have hardly any access to the internet (If they have any internet access to begin with) compared to the many numerous nations of the world where internet action is freer and less restricted. But even now governments are beginning to monitor and surveil people’s internet access on a level that has not been seen before. Even America who is supposed to be the land of the free is starting to watch its own citizens more and more. Even the US House of representatives opposes international regulation for the Web but favors US censorship in order for its own and the people’s protection. Is there truly anything we do anymore that isn’t monitored and or kept on file? And while I can’t speak for everyone else but that sure as hell scares me a little.

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